Monday, September 17, 2012

3 Months

Wow time is going way to fast these days.  Clayton turned 3 months old this past week.  
At 3 Months:
            *Smiles all the time.
            *Laughs when tickled.
            *Loves to look at the t.v.
            * Kicks and throws his arms around hard.
            * Grabs toys and is starting to reach for things I'm holding
            * Puts his fists in his mouth and sucks on them
            *Still loves to be swaddled when sleeping.
            *Goes to sleep quickly once swaddled.
            *Really only takes a pacifier when going to sleep but often doesn't take it at all.
            *Coos and talks all the time when you talk to him.
            *Loves someone to sit and talk to him and play with him but is perfectly happy to just hangout.    
                   wherever I put him.
             *Continues to be such a happy good little baby.  I seriously can't get enough of him.

1 comment:

Myrna said...

Clayton is SOOOO handsome!! His blue eyes are going to be lady catchers. So glad he's so good too!!