Monday, September 17, 2012

Kate's 5th Birthday!

  August was a busy fun month for us.  It started off with Kate's 5th Birthday.  That morning we got up and opened a present from my parents. A pink tackle box loaded with lures and candy. Kate was so excited to use her new gear so after breakfast we headed up to Prescott for a little fishing.  
 The Birthday girl and her fish.
 I love Gabriella's face in these pictures.  She was that excited with every fish we caught.
 We celebrated that night with Grandma and Grandpa Bailey, Grandma and Grandpa Peterson, and Kate's Aunt and Uncle and cousins.  Kate was very specific about wanting a cake with bass on it.  I wasn't sure how to pull that off but luckily my Mom came to my rescue and found the perfect fish for the cake.

We ended the Birthday celebrations with a family Nerf gun battle.


Amber said...

Happy Birthday Kate! I love that she is so into fishing, that is so fun!

Myrna said...

OK, so this takes the cake! What a celebration for one pretty loved little girl.