Friday, November 16, 2012

5 Months

It's hard to believe this sweet little baby is already 5 months old.  He has been a pure joy to have in our family.  Everyone loves him.  The girls shower him with affection and I find myself missing him when he naps or goes to sleep for the night.  I love getting to know him and his personality.  He is a contemplative little baby.  He studies everything, sometimes looking very serious while he takes in his surroundings.  I love that his little face lights up when he sees me.  He definitely loves his mama.  One of his favorite things is to be loved on, and I'm happy to fulfill his need for hugs and kisses.

He is starting to sit up.  He can hold himself steady for a few seconds before rolling to the ground.  He can roll side to side but hasn't made it all the way over yet.  He loves his toys, and gets especially excited by new toys.  The dog provides a lot of entertainment for him.  I often catch him watching her throughout the day.  He's started grabbing everything.  He loves to pull my hair and grab anything I'm holding.  He's also become fond of his fingers.  They most often found in his mouth.  He loves to munch away on them. He is pretty quiet most of the time.  He'll babble and talk when he's feeling especially happy, but most of the time he just smiles quietly. 

 He really is such a sweet little baby.  I can't get enough of him.  I feel so blessed to have him in our family. 

 I love his blue eyes, reminds me of his daddy's eyes.
 He often has this grin on his face. 

1 comment:

Angela said...

You make the cutest kids! Little Clayton is the perfect mix of Gabriella and Kate. He's a doll!