Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Almost 6 Weeks

This little guy is growing way to fast.  I think this week was the first time I noticed he's starting to grow out of the newborn stage.  He smiles in the mornings, and anytime he wakes up and has eaten.  He loves someone to talk to him and likes to be wherever we are.  The girls still adore him and are willing to hold him until he starts fussing.

 I feel like we're starting to get into a rhythm with things and even though he's only been with us the past 5 1/2 weeks, it feels like he's been here forever. I've been grateful that my girls play well together so that I can spend the extra time I need to with Clayton.  I find myself holding him a little longer and snuggling a lot more these days.  I've been so happy to have a little baby again. I forgot how much I missed having one around.  We may not be sleeping much but life is good, and for that I am so grateful.



Janelle said...

He is so cute! I'm glad everything is going well!

Arizona Nielsens said...

I just love that we get to see him so much now! He is just too sweet.