It seems like life since Kate started school has gone by really quickly and also really slow at the same time. How is that even possible? My days somehow feel shorter. I have an hour here or there to get things done, and most of the time those slots are filled with errands to run, people to visit, or trips to the gym. I think all in all Kate and I have both adjusted to our new routines, and it's starting to grow on me. I spend at least once a week or more in Kate's classroom helping the teacher. It's fun to be in there and see the environment she spends much of her day, and how she interacts with the other kids. She is doing really great and I can't believe how much she has learned already. Today when I was in there the school was doing a morning assembly which started with the Pledge of Allegiance, then a moment of silence, followed by all 872 students singing the Star Spangled Banner. It was amazing and beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. I'm grateful to have her in a school that values patriotism, and teaches the children to value their country and freedoms as well.
Gabriella continues to love preschool. She loves Miss Carrie, loves playing with her friends, and loves learning. She misses her sister when she is at school, but lucky for Gabriella we have a great next door neighbor the same age who is always up for playing.
It seems like Clayton has grown a lot the last few months yet also not changed that much at all. He doesn't say many words, but will say "ish" for "Fish" he "moos" when you ask him what a cow says, and "neighs" when you as him what the horse says. He can walk but still mostly crawls. He still loves to go anywhere in the car. The moment I grab my keys and shoes, he's yelling at me to pick him up and take him with me. He loves any and all balls, along with toy cars, trains, and airplanes. He started giving dirty looks a few weeks ago, and anytime you tell him "no" he drops his head and glares at you with one of those looks. It's usually quickly followed by a smile. He loves to hide behind furniture (something Gabriella taught him) and be chased. He is still a super happy baby, for which I am always grateful.
I've finally been getting back into "project" mode. I started on a few things around the house and my list just keeps getting longer and longer. I think I'm going to have to invest in a miter saw soon, because cutting wood with my little hand saw is getting old. I'm getting anxious for cooler temperatures, and ironically it was only a high of 95 today and it felt quite pleasant in the shade...All in all life is good and I have a lot to be grateful for.
Enjoying one of the simple joys in life, a slip-in-slide. |
We had a ton of rain last week, which resulted in a lot of flooding everywhere! Clayton loved the rain and water. |